1 x 35g · Feb 8th, 2025
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Jong Belegen Cheese
The most authentic and tastiest farmhouse cheese has come from the dairy farm of the Van Wees family since 1900. At the time, it was located in Beemster in North Holland, later in Aalsmeer and since 1970 the farm has been located on the edge of the Eastern Flevoland polder. Small-scale production and house sales grew into a professional cheese production and trade. The tasteful farmer's cheese from 'De Polderzoom' is in great demand on national markets and is called 'Boerenmeshangerkaas' because, according to cheese maker Ard van Wees, the product is 'so soft and creamy that it sticks to the knife'. After Piet, Cor and Bart van Wees, Ard is the fourth generation that works passionately on the tasty and traditional farmhouse cheese.
Happy cows gives the best milk for the tastiest cheese
Characteristic of 'De Polderzoom' is that the cows can walk in the meadow during the grazing season. They graze in the fresh and tasty grass and produce delicious fresh milk. Cheese making is started every day after the cows have been milked in the early morning. In the large cheese box, the fresh milk is processed according to the traditional family recipe. The fresh curd that is created as a result is placed in a cheese vat and pressed for two hours so that the cheese has a firm and attractive round shape and a good crust. The cheese then stays in a brine bath for four days. This gives the farmer's cheese even more flavor and firmness. Before the cheese ripens for four months in the cheese warehouse, it is given a plastic coating against external influences. During maturation, each cheese is turned daily and carefully assessed by the eye of the master, farmer Ard.

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